MicroMINI Pro

Sub miniature photocell
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MicroMINI Pro is a sub-miniature photocell solution, the compact body and 10mm turret thread diameter enables it to fit into the most restricted applications.

MicroMINI Pro is a sub-miniature photocell solution, the compact body and 10mm turret thread diameter enables it to fit into the most restricted applications.




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Case Studies

Case Study: Bradford Municipal Borough Council

Lucy Zodion provide a Vizion CMS for Bradford MBC to save energy Background Lucy Zodion has worked with the street lighting design and maintenance engineers at the City of…

KnowHow: Street lighting infrastructure and on-street EV charging

The UK Government recently announced it would double available funding for on-street electric car charge points, to £2.5 million. The extra funding will contribute to the…
We’re dedicated to ensuring the products and solutions we provide are suitable for your project, which is why we have a number of support services to guide you at each step of your journey with Lucy Zodion. Get the help you need by clicking on one of the following services…

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